Hi5 is a social network like Facebook, and like almost every other social network you can check which other friends are there as members. Well, I got an invite from a friend, added him and checked who else I know is on hi5. I clicked “unselect all” and checked off only a few friends that already were on hi5.
I never invite people to social networks!
But – at the very bottom – a small checkbox saying “invite all other friends”. I clicked “ok” and suddenly realized what that button meant!
The worst part – I’ve done this once before. Luckily hi5 is a “normal” social network, not like Badoo where it seems most users are girls in Ukraina wanting to marry someone.
So sorry people! Feel free to smack me in the head the next time you see me…
If you happen to like social networks, hi5 is just as good as the other ones. I prefer Facebook but hi5 is ok. If you know me, and still want to add me, here’s Oyvind at hi5.
Mye i livet er viktig, men mon tro om vi ikke trenger å ta oss mer tid til å snakke sammen? I gamle dager hadde de butikken og kirkebakken, – møtesteder for den gode pratens skyld. I dag har vi mobiltelefonen, “Facebook” og “chatte-rom”. Det er det samme hva det kalles, men vi trenger dialogen. Vi trenger den gode samtalen. Ja, vi trenger hele spekteret av samtaler, fra den store samfunnsdebatten – til den lille, lavmælte hverdagspraten. Det er gjerne slik at først når vi har snakket sammen, ser vi hverandre.
My English translation:
There are many things in life that’s important, but I wonder if we may have to spend more time to talk to each other? In the “old days” they had the shop and the church, meeting places for the good conversation. Today we have the mobile phone, Facebook and chatrooms. It’s the same what we call it, but we need the dialog. We need the good conversation. Yes, we need the whole spectre of conversations, from the big important issues in society to the little quiet everyday talk. When we have spoken together, we see each other.
Feel free to comment and improve on my translation!
The conversation society
I do admire our king for talking about this. He seems to understand the shift that has happened. We do not just talk “in real life”, but use internet as a communication tool. We have switched from the “information superhighway” to the social web. It’s an important change, and it will make our society better in the long run.
Have a happy new year and see you both in real life and on the web. You’ll find me on Facebook, Twitter and most other social networks – just see the sidebar to the right.
The post is from July, but I didn’t see until now. Funny.
If you use Twitter, just add me. And I’ll add you back if you Twitter interesting stuff (which would be almost everyone twittering other things than just “sleep”, “work”, “sleep”…)
I did a presentation at “Medievaner 07”, Aker Brygge, Oslo 20. september 2007. My presentation was called “What’s hot, what’s next and why?” (lol).
Connected changes everything
My main point is this: Young people today are connected with so many people through different channels, that disconnecting their network would be almost like cutting off an arm. Their network is bigger than their parents, it’s more diverse, it’s more advanced and most important of all: It’s amazingly fast.
Young people using IM, Facebook, del.icio.us, Flickr etc. find their answers in their networks. If I have a problem, I pose it to my network, and I get answers, links, suggestions and clues back, and the quality is top notch.
If you don’t realize this, you lose. It’s playing a game where you think the other team has 11 players, but it has infact 2 200 players. If you’re not convinced, type “Oyvind says being connected changes the world just as much as rock’n roll did” in your calender – say – 10 years from now.
Also: Chime out in the comments below! I’d love to hear why you think this is wrong, stupid, thoughtful or brilliant. My contact data is to the right if you think this is interesting for your company or organisation.
Here’s my presentation, hosted at slideshare.net. You can download it as a pdf at the page at slideshare.
– Jeg mener de sosiale nettverksamfunnene på internett er den største sosiale og kulturelle endringen i vårt samfunn siden rockens inntog, sier Solstad.
The trick for businesspeople interested in using social networks and for IT departments that need to monitor and manage access to them is to steer clear of the time-wasting stuff while leveraging the collaborative potential.
Teens and undergrads started the social networking trend; now business professionals and IT pros are coming up to speed. The pitfalls are obvious and mostly avoidable, while the benefits remain largely unexplored by most companies. Curious to know more? Knowledgeable peers are only a few clicks away.
Some days ago a friend of mine invited me to Yamky, a social website I didn’t know about.
I’m always interested in social media sites, so I registered and made a profile. I register for just about everything there is out there, to figure out what’s good and what’s not good.
So I entered my gmail info to check which of my OTHER FRIENDS were on Yamky. BUT – I didn’t read the text well enough.
The result: Yamky e-mailed over 800 people an invite in my name! Bad. Bad. Bad.
So for the ones who read my site here: Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Big mistake from me.
I never invite people to sites like this, except for a few other friends that are just as interested in stuff like this as I am.